Thursday 8 December 2011

Question 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?


We handed out questionnaires to different people we knew, and asked them to fill them out with feedback based on our music video. We asked them 4 questions which were:

What did you think of our video?

Give us technical feedback on either of the following:

*Camera Work


*Mise en scene

Tell us 2 strengths.

What could we improve?

Here are some of the replies we got for those questions:

What did you think of our video?

*Video was very good.

*Was really really good, nearly everything about it.

*The music video was good. Loved the song

*I enjoyed it

Give us technical feedback on either of the following:

*Camera Work


*Mise en scene

Camera Work

*Very good because you used various angles

*I liked the camera work, the range of movements and the choreography was on point A.K.A. 'Pizzack'(Hip-hop term).

Mise en Scene


*Mise en scene linked closely to the video. The graffiti in the tunnel links closely with the caricatures.


*Also good, quick editing which matched with the high tempo of the song

*The editing was clever and very technical, really effective

*The editing was very clever, really outshone the song

*Editing was really good! Loved the bit with the mirror

*Absolutely quality editing, techniques and effects are combined well to give a very professional piece of footage. A grade at least!

Tell us 2 strengths.

*Good editing.

*Lip syncing is very well done - high quality.

*Camera movement mixes well with music. Slight hint of Mickey Mouse technique.

*The mirror editing.

*Large variety of shots.

*Some of the lyrics of the song linked with the visuals.

*Song choice.

*The fact it was really in sync with the song/lyrics.

*The effects and story elements were used well.

*Range of shots.

*Ability to tell a story through the video.

What could we improve

*I would prefer the scene where he is kicking the door to be changed. A little cheesy in my opinion

*Possible effect on saturation or contrast, give a more professional and full feel.

*More locations could have been used.

*Some more consistency between each shot.

What we learned from the feedback

We learned that there were a couple of bits in our video which we could improve such as where Kane is banging the door down. We could also have used more filming locations as we only used 4 in the video. We used a desaturation filter to take away some of the brightness…We could also have had a bit more consistency between our shots, and added some shots in between existing ones to link them a bit more.


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