Wednesday 21 December 2011

Evalution question 1 : In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

There is many different forms of real media but I being the director was the person that had to chose what was going to be developed and what was going to be used to challenge these forms and conventions.
I feel at the very beginning we stay very close to the forms especially with props and costume. I tried to stick to sterotypical teenager wear e.g snapbacks I also use the most famous teenage item a mobile , this is what every teenager has and I felt if I was going to show a teenage story in the production that there should be a mobile to tell messages and share information because realistically that would be how it done. we had already developed the song and the lyrics by this point because we had change the meaning of the song slightly by making it about a teenage relationship instead of the original meaning about life and trying hard. This was a challenge because we had to instantly challenge the meaning of most lyrics somewhere easy and fitted like "i'm a changed man now Chris Brown" this has a intertexually meaning and refers to the relationship between Chris Brown and Rhianna when she was assaulted by him. This fitted nicely and worked well with another lyrics which was " i'll blow the bloody doors off... Michael Caine" in this scene we shown me trying to get into a room very agressively showing maybe theirs a chance of abuse in are relationship.
After the introduction with the phone scene I felt it was important to show the urban side of Manchester and even though we had changed the main meaning of the song I wanted to keep that urban struggle running through it thats why straight after we had me under the motor way surrounded by cars showing that i'm surrounded by 'passer-byes' (people that just don't care and just get on with their lives). This was very useful because it seem very original and no had seemed to use the motor ways and roads are an impacting background , we also used the subway in some scene which had very effective graffiti on the walls which we used to increase the realism and it also increased the 'on-the-streets' feel that I was trying to creat I didn't want much of it to be indoors or inside becaus that not what it like , when your have a relationship it on show leading to the scene where i'm thrown out of the door showing that things have changed that people don't talk about people in present times and that actions are used alot more but after to end the scene i used my leaving as an scene changed showing that life moves on.
However , we used juxistapostion because I feel that using a stereotypical teenager as an example of the emotionally struggle especially cause males are ment to be indifferent towards emotions yet whenever he seen inside he seems to b doing nothing but self-reflexing and I think that was challenging the conventions and forms of men because on the streets maybe they seem to be perfect and fine but when they go in maybe there is an emotional turmoil that isn't seen. Thats why when inside it had to be completely different to when were on the street to show the contrast in personalities. I made sure when inside it was alot of light effect to show he feels like the spots lights on hime however he still feels alone in the dark.
In conclussion are product challenge , develop and used the conventions and forms in many different ways to show many different thing in many different light both mentall , emotionally and visually cause we challenged stereotypes , we used daily examples as to show revalance in the audience's life and developed character that seems very insignificant and made them seem very revelant.
by kane

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