Sunday 18 December 2011

Evaluation Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

Starting with the construction aspect, a key piece of media technology we used was a Digital Video Camera. Without the camera we would not have been able to record any necessary footage we needed to make the music video and take any images needed for the digipack. To help with the filming and picture taking, we had a tripod and a crane; the camera could be mounted on both of these to help achieve better end results. For example the tripod help stabilise the camera for stationary shots and the crane allowed us to have high and low shots with ease. The images and footage captured with the captured with the camera would then be uploaded to a computer . From here we would then edit them using two programmes: Final Cut Pro and Photoshop, used for film editing and image editing respectively. When using Final Cut Pro, all of the footage we captured is readily available and we could edit them together in any order that we wanted. We could also add visual affects like fade-ins, lighting affects and camera shakes. Examples of these affects can be seen throughout our finished music video.
Going back to the use of a computer, this piece of equipment helped us out in the planning and research stages. Firstly in the planning stage, the computer enabled us to view the original video for the song, "No Regrets", and any other professinally done music videos of the same genre. This gave us a launching point for our own idea and concepts for our music video. Any idea we had for things like shooting locations, shot types and costumes would be listed on the blog, as were any documents we produced for planning or any or purposed would also be uploaded to the blog.
As you can see we are also using the blog for our end of production evaulation. The evaulation is uploaded to the blog and is the offical end of blog-related work. As with previous documents, we either use Mircosoft Word or the blog's internal word processer to produce any needed documents. Furthermore, a camera was used to record a podcast for part of the evaulation.

As this is the last evaluation question, this is the end of our groups media production. Thank you to all have been involed in making our production.

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