Wednesday 21 December 2011

Evaluation Question 2: How Effective Is The combination Of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

Matthew Caine-Mckenzie (Word Count: 1,030 Words)

"Click On All Pictures To Enlarge Them"

When I designed the Digi Pack I wanted to make the different designs interlink, The first things I design were the album covers, This is the first album cover that I designed, in it I have used the colour black on the left and right hand side to depict the "Regret" and Disappointment in the relationship, this can also been noticed from the glum and frustrated look on both Kane and Steph faces (who play Boyfriend and Girlfriend) and the lifeless pose they are sitting in, to add to this feeling I has also added an effect called "Dark Stroke" which emphasizes the dark parts of the picture to make it more gloomy.

I have made the sky dark in low key lighting which follows the idea that is portrayed in the CD Cover "Face Off" which has been analysed, this is used in the same way which show the characters in the black part of the cover have a "dark side". As can be seen in the picture Kane can be seen twice, one shows him looking sad whilst the other has a bright background and Kane has a smile on his face, this bright "naturalistic" lighting is used to create the same effect as high key lighting to portray a happy atmosphere. This is done to create a juxtaposition between the two Kane's whilst one is sad the other is happy and has "No Regrets" which is the main message of

the song, this follows the idea shown on the Jessica York Poster.

Secondly I designed the picture shown below shows our final album cover chose by our target audience, the reason I chose to do the album cover like this because it links in with the video itself, it is linked because the location in the album cover is also the same location with can be seen in the music video which happens to be a studio room, and as the studio room is featured a lot in our video i felt it was relevant for me to use it.

I used the shadows as a way to represent the emotions Kane would show throughout the music video no regrets, one of the shadows shows a shadow of Kane going to punch himself, this emotion is self-hatred, also we can observe one of the shadows pulling the "aggressive" shadow away, this shadow shows a rational and reflective emotion. On the right hand side there is a shadow offering a helping hand to Kane, this shows a persevering emotion, this is when he was reflecting on the relationship and thinking it wasn't worth it. and finally you see a shadow of Kane praying, this shows the emotion of self-pity, this can be seen through the flashbacks in the video such as Kane getting kicked out of the house.

The final CD cover links closely with the Back cover, inside cover and Cd cover, in order to link the designs closely I have used similar themes throughout, for example in most of the designs I have used shadows of Kane “the main performer”, these shadows have been used to portray emotion shown throughout the video which can be seen throughout the Music video. The Back cover i have designed it so it seem like the shadow is shouting No Regrets, and then I have aligned the text around the shadow to add another perspective to the design.

In addition I have used another shadow in the Inside cover to keep the theme of Shadows running throughout the designs I made, as shown in the picture below I have taken a image of Kane and made his shadow different to the action he s actually doing, and have also made the shadow hold a copy of the actual album cover and finished it off with a quotation of a lyric from the video we created. Finally the CD cover uses the same text found on the album cover, but uses a watermark of a picture found on the album poster in order to link all the designs together.

Below is the final Magazine Poster advert that I have done for the album, you may notice that the graffiti watermark with circle can be seen both on the poster and on the CD it self. This is the poster that we chose to use as the it is linked with the actual music video itself, for example, there is a part in the music video where Kane drops a significant picture and him and his "ex-girlfriend" which smashes upon dropping on the floor, so I have linked the glass smashing in the music video with the smash on the poster, and to show the drop of the picture, I have created an effect that looks like the album has been thrown.

In addition as graffiti is heavily linked with Hip Hop I have used graffiti symbols in the background in order to support the graffiti side of hip hop, and to link the text to Dappy, I have used a similar font to the one that can be found on Dappy's actual cover for "No Regrets". As a group we chose to use Def Jam as our record label as a lot of the people they actually have on the label create similar music to Dappy and in the hip hop/r'n'b genre, they are also well known so if we were to be associated with them it could gain us a wider audience.

Finally, near the bottom you can see a range of places you can actually purchase the CD from, I noticed a few people did radio stations instead of actual shops and labels , when I was designing it I chose to use actual shops because although radios can be used as advertising people wont be able to actually purchase the CD from there. The places i chose to put on the poster include HMV, Ebay, Apple and Amazon, I believe these are the best places for me to sell the CD, as they are known world wide and some of the most profitable musical industries out there.

"Click picture to enlarge"

All Designs Done By Matthew Caine-Mckenzie

Posted By Matthew Caine-Mckenzie

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