Monday 12 December 2011

In Depth Analysis of Dappy No Regrets Lyric-to-Video Representation.

Hear me out…This is my king’s speech, I’m nowhere near the end,If I s-stutter… Sorry I ain’t heaven’s sent, ←← (For this part of the track we decided to use text messages to set the scene and hint to the audience the narrative of the Music video was going to be about a struggling relationship, this also was done because we wanted to link the visual to the audio by making the camera stutter the fact that text messages are sent with the lyric “If I S-Stutter, Sorry I Aint Heaven Sent”)

I messed my life up, yeah I’ve been down, I’m a changed man now… Chris Brown, a know I feel your pain ‘cos I done been through it, I’m Kurt Cobain but I just couldn’t do it, No point in turning back, just to hit rewind, Back To The Future.. Ma.. Marty McFly, ←← (For this section of the song as we would have been a new artist we would of had to use lots shots on the artist in order to make him recognisable to the Target Audience so there is a short scene of Kane saying “Chris Brown” with a close up and a section of Performance where Kane’s Face is identifiable)

Be the deciders with fire’cos I’m no longer looking in a reflection that I admire, I paint a picture of a fire… But there’s no one looking back at me since I’m a liar, If I should die before I wake.. The least that I could ever say, I made mistakes but held on to my faith…←← (Whilst making the video as a group we wanting out video to link heavily with the lyrics, so during this part of the song when “reflection” is mentioned there is a mirror and when paint is mention you can see graffiti type Charactertures of both Kane and Steph. In order to dramatize the scene we introduce a long shot showing a silhouette of Kane performing in “low key Lighting”)‘

Cos when I look in a mirror…I don’t even recognize myself,Got the heart of a winner… but looking back at me is someone else.No Regrets (x2),No point in crying over yesterdayNo Regrets (x2), ‘Cos we ain’t even seen the best of days←← (Chorus) For the chorus we wanted to create a theme throughout each one, and as the lyrics for it was I “Cos when I look in a mirror.. I don’t even recognize myself” for me, as the editior, i wanting to do something special so I decided to do an effect which made Kanes reflection do somthing different to what he was actually doing then make his reflection disappear from the mirror in order to show “He no longer recognises himself”)


oo-oh-oo-oh-oo-ohhh Na Na Na Na Naoo-oh-oo-oh-oo-ohhh←← (Here is just Dappy making humming noises, but this is probably one of the most important parts of the music video, this is because it depicts a story of Kane and Steph (the Ex-Girlfriend) having a heated argument in which Kane gets thrown out of her house which eventually leads to a fade, but this scene allows the audience to know the storyline)

This is my last chance, I’m on my final straw, I came so close to b-breaking like a spinal cord, I came from nothing… Some kid in Camden, Now I’m flying with the birds.. Richard Branson, I’m a prince.. Yes I will.. Get the crown, Kate stays in my dungeon when her sister’s round, So please forgive me.. If I make mistakes, But I’ll blow the bloody doors off… Michael Caine←← (This part of the song is maily performance, but when I was editing I used a few effect to match with the lyrics, for example, when “breaking like a spinal cord” is said, Kane lands on a wall which instantly cuts to a scene of him somewhere else, then futher on you see a glow effect used in timing with the beat which is followed by a flash back of an argument where Kane is trying to get in a room that steph is block, this is paired which the lyric “I’ll blow the bloody doors off”)

If I should die before I wake.. The least that I could ever say,I made mistakes but held on to my faith…Ohhhhhh,‘Cos when I look in a mirror…I don’t even recognize myself,Got the heart of a winner… but looking back at me is someone else.No Regrets (x2),No point in crying over yesterdayNo Regrets (x2),‘Cos we ain’t even seen the best of days←← (Chorus)

I’m free to be whatever I…‘Cos I’m famous.. Call me Gallagher.. ‘Cos I’m so shameless,The papers sold a page at the cost of my failures,Victimised by the public… don’t know if I can take this,So I sing “So when you feel like there’s no more nothing left but the life you’ve broken.” No regrets.. No turning back.. Pick up yourself and tell them I’m just being me… ←← (the whole of this part has been done in a dramatic low key lighting in order to portray that his is feeling sorry for himself and is reflecting on the situation)

Ohhhhhh,‘Cos when I look in a mirror…I don’t even recognize myself,Got the heart of a winner… but looking back at me is someone else.No Regrets (x2),No point in crying over yesterdayNo Regrets (x2), ←← (Chorus)

No Regrets….Got the heart of a winner… but looking back at me is someone else.No Regrets (x2),No point in crying over yesterdayNo Regrets (x2),No Regrets….←← (Coming up to this point you seen Kane take out a picture of him and Steph together, the picture has been used to symbolise their relationship, thi is probably the most “emotional” part of the song as it shows a slow mo (which adds drama) of Kane taking the picture and droping it which causes it to smash, this allows the audience to know that for him the relationship is over, to force this message through he then picks it up and allows the glass to drop off cannoting he is getting rid of his “regrets”)‘

Cos when I look in a mirror…I don’t even recognize myself,Got the heart of a winner… but looking back at me is someone else.No Regrets (x2),No point in crying over yesterdayNo Regrets (x2),‘Cos we ain’t even seen the best of days‘Cos when I look in a mirror…I don’t even recognize myself,Got the heart of a winner… but looking back at me is someone else.No…No. Nobody crying over yesterday. ←← (This part just shows Kane lip-syncing the ad-libs to create drama and then a final fade of Kane walking away “into his new life”).

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