Monday 5 December 2011


Our music video is a narrative but it is unconventional because it starts in the middle, then goes to the beginning and then finishes with the end. This differs from a music video we have analysed called ‘Stan’ by ‘Eminem’ which is a conventional narrative. It starts with the relationship and then continues as it would happen in real life. The video then ends after Stan having killed himself, his girlfriend and their unborn child.

Our music video is unlike this because it starts with Kane replying to a text message from Steph which says “What’ve I done wrong?” and Kane replies with the first line of the song, which is “This is my kings speech, I’m nowhere near the end”. It then goes back to all the problems with the relationship as Kane thinks about whether he should stick at the relationship and try and make it work or should he end it. The video then goes to the break up and continues showing how Kane starts off unhappy and gradually feels better as he becomes surer that it was the best thing for him. We used elliptical editing to do this.

Parts of our video are also performance-based. Throughout the video Kane is lip-syncing, but not all the way through. Kane lip-syncs some of the words such as “’cause when I look in the mirror” and “I’m flying with the birds, Richard Branson”.

Steph Cullen:)

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