Tuesday 1 November 2011

Problems Faced When Making Video

When making the video we faced alot of problems as a group, some of theses included budget, transport, traffic, weather etc.

When starting we didnt really allocat e a budget for ourselfs, we tended to spend the money as we went along, this was different for different people this was because some people already used bus as a way of transport and therefore had a bus pass, wearas I had to spend extra money in order to get the bus back and forth from location to location.

Also as we done most of our filming during college hours this meant that we had limited time when filming as we would have to get back to college in order to be back in time for our lessons.

The weather was also a major problem for us when we were filming, as we needed bright naturalistic lighting from the sun, but as the filming took place over the winter we didnt have many days where the sun was shining brightly or it wasnt raining.

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