Sunday 6 November 2011

Very Basic Explanation Of How A Album Cover Develops

Step 1: First I got the original picture we took and rotated it slightly as the picture was off center and changed the contrast to make certain parts of the image stand out.

Step 2: I then got a separate image of Kane sitting in the middle of the bench and took him away from the background using a tool in photoshop called the Pen Tool were i had to carefully trace around the part of the image i wanted.

Step 3: The Kane I cutout was then transferred over to the original picture and put in place, this process took a while as i had to keep making changes to the cutout making sure it wasn't over lapping and that it fitted in place.

Step 4: To create the effect shown above I competed the same steps i had taken in 2 & 3 to put the image of the two Kanes and Steph onto a bright sunny background which also took a while. The contrast of the background image was also changed in order to make it appear brighter.

Step 5: The left and right hand side of the image were then change to extreme low key lighting to show that it is the Kane to the left and Steph that are "Regretting" Life whilst the middle Kane is smiling and in bright Naturalistic lighting.

Step 6: This last image shows the picture with the finishing details on it which include the name of the Album "No Regrets" and also the P.A. Logo at the bottom.

(This Description is just a brief outline of how the image was made there were a lot of fiddly bits in between that would have taken quite a while to explain over a paragraph. This was done in order to give onlookers an understanding into how Photoshop works and how it was used to develop and idea.)

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