Wednesday 16 November 2011

Diary for this week - 3-14/11/11

3rd Nov - Today we started looking at how we were going to edit the video. Matthew CM is very strong when it comes to editing so we decided to put each of our strengths to use and let him edit the majority of the video. We also did more blog work and looked at where and what we were going to film next.

7th Nov - Today we continued filming at Kane's house. We filmed more of the outside shots and decided to re-film some of the shots which we thought we could do better- either because of the acting or because the camera wasn't steady enough or we didn't like the positioning. We also filmed Kane being 'kicked out' of the house by Steph, where Kane is pushed from the door, his coat is thrown at him, and he then throws his coat over the camera. This was one of the ideas we came up with to change the scene.

10th Nov - Today we did some more editing, as well as some more test shots of extreme close up of Kane's lip-syncing in the Music recording studio at college. This was very tedious as we had to position the camera very specifically in order to see Kane's lip syncing as much as possible. This took a lot of time and very small camera movements.

14th Nov - Today we went out filming again. We visited the rather large area underneath Mancunian Way, except when we got there we realised that work had been started since we last checked the area. Fortunately the area that was under construction did not take up the entire area, and the scaffolding was only on one pillar. We started off by taking a couple of shots in the subways and the footpaths leading up to them. Then we did the shot where Kane is stood beneath two of the pillars and kicks a bag of cement creating a lot of dust. We kept having to re-film this bit because we were filming using the crane on a slope, and there was a lot of gravel, the footage looked very unsteady and unprofessional. After re-shooting this a couple of times we became better and more able to film steadily. The reason we used the crane was so that we could film both high-angle shots and low-angle shots as well as normal shots. We also had Kane jumping off the top of a pile of sandbags. Having the crane meant we could film him jumping more easily. We also did a shot which involved us moving in between two other pillars and having Kane stay on the other pillars. This was effective because it let us view from a different angle so that we can switch between different shots and let people who are watching see more of the surrounding area.

By Steph Cullen

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