Wednesday 9 November 2011


'The deadline for the completed music video is Friday 25th November. It is essential that videos are fully completed by this date as they will be marked early the following week.'
'You then have until Friday 9th December to finish the blog and the print-based work.'

We have nearly finished filming now and we have started our editing. We will be filming the last shot of Kane in a field later on this week/early next week. And then we will continue to edit our video and we will finish it some time in the next 2 weeks. We have started work on the album cover, and have created one already. We are exploring our other ideas and will look at our covers and decide which one we feel is best and submit that one. We will then work on our poster, so we can put a picture of our cd cover on the poster. We will then evaluate our video, album cover, and poster, and post it on the blog. We will aim to have this finished a couple of days in advance to give time to check over everything and make sure that we have covered everything in as much detail as possible.

By Steph Cullen

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