Thursday 24 November 2011

Comparition between AS production and A2 production

At first, this video production and last year's AS video production may not seem that different; you get a camera, plan what to film and then go film it, all the while recording what you did on the blog. However once you start looker more closely, you'll realise that both productions are nearly worlds apart.
The first difference is with the style of filming and what's being filmed. In the AS media production last year, we were tasked with filming the opening sequence of a film. In the medium of films, the camera usually stays in the same place for most of the time on a tripod or a similar device, with it following the action by having the camera rotate. In most music videos however, the camera is moving around most of the time, either by tracking or moving freely. This makes planning shots more differcult then just having the actor do all the work, now the cameraman has to move too. Also last year, we were free to to make a scirpt ourselves, and thus we could choose the way it should be shoot. However, with this year's production, we had to take a mainstream song and make a video based around that. Its quite hard not to copy ideas from the song's orginal video as we could think up ideas and then write around these ideas. Futhermore in the AS piece we could have long shot and long gaps between edits, but in music videos this is rarely done so you have to change your mind set completly to know what to film, something that I had to do myself.

The next key difference would be in the editing. Last year, the editing was use to help add emotion to film or help estabish the atmosphere the group is looking for. Also, the editing of film compared to music videos is very simple; in film its about portraying a story so the editing is done in a way so all story-related elements to the viewer. The amount of cuts are come low during story-driven parts to help shows details that the audience need to pick up on so they can understand the story. Visual effects are also under used at these parts so as not to distract the viewer from the experience. On the other hand however, music videos have a different style of editing altogether. Rather than story, they are more about spectacle, drawing you attention to the video and also the song. As most music videos usually have little to no story at all, so there isn't any need to draw attention to that aspect of the video. Furthermore, because the aim it to draw the attention of the viewer, visual effects like fades and screen blurs are commonly used. Finally, the speed of the editing mostly depends on the tempo of the music. In our groups case the tempo is high, so the editing will be fast with many fast cuts, adding to overall effect of the video on the viewer and highlighting the song's beat.

Another key difference between the two video projects was in the performance aspect. In films, the dialogue is spoken on set and is recorded on the day of filming. The emotion portrayed though the lines of dialogue are usually decided by the director, the actor or what is stated in the script. The actor's movements are also dictated by the script; say weather it is a scene with high stress or a slow melodramatic scene. Also the person chosen to act in the production doesn't have to move around that much, depending on the scene. In the A2 production however, a lot more is asked from the performer. Not only do they have to move around the chosen area to film in, but they have act and dance around the beat of the music. Furthermore, they have to try and lip-sync to an already existing piece of singing, where all the choices they made with dialogue in last year's video being stripped away from them.

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