Monday 17 October 2011

Research into costumes for your music video, including photographs and analysis of why they are appropriate for your video.

We have decided that for our music video we are going to keep the costumes relatively similar to what people wear in hip hop music videos nowadays.

We will all be switching clothes to give the idea it is filmed over a period of time, and that it is not just set on one day.

Kane’s outfit

Kane will be wearing clothes very similar to the clothes Dappy has worn over the years. Dappy wears a lot of clothes, which reflect both his style of music and his personality. He has a high tendency to wear hats and lots of jewelry, including chains, watches and rings. He also usually wears black, and only on the odd occasion will wear very bold colours. We have taken this into consideration when organizing Kane’s outfit, and have decided that he will be wearing lots of different hats, hoodies, and a lot of jewelry.

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