Monday 10 October 2011

Product treatment

Matthew Caine-Mckenzie,

Duration- The duration of no regrets is 4:14, but because this is past the allotted time for our videos will make our video 4:00 minutes long, this should be fairly easy because the last 14 seconds are irrelevant because there is no sound being played.

Audience- The audience for our video will range from ages 12-25 because at theses ages they can relate with the narrative of the song, which is to do with relationships, as a group we believe children aged 11 and younger will not understand the concept of our video, however young adults will be able to make sense of the video and its impressions.

The reason our audience stops at 25 is because there generation did not really grow up with this genre of music, which would stereotypically count them out of the audience.

Resume- The Narrative of the actual video made by Dappy from Ndubz is about people making the most of there situation and being the best that they can be in their field of work or lifestyle, hence the title “No Regrets, but we as a group knew that other group would copy the actual artist’s approach to the song, but we as a group wanted to be original and therefore we came up with a innovative idea which was to keep the feel of the song the same, but instead of relating it to “No Regrets” with work and lifestyle, we interrelated it to relationships, were we will make it seem like the male in the relationship (played by Kane) will have “No Regrets” about breaking up with his girlfriend (played by Steph).

Suggested Elements-

· Performance- The Performance side of our video which will include lip syncing, role play and moderate chorography; this is moderate because we will be trying to create the typical persona of an Hip Hop and Rap music artist where by bouncing around the stage they can create energy and atmosphere for the audience.

To See A Clip Of The Dance Style We'll Use CLICK HERE

· Costumes- The “Costume” or style of clothing that will be used in the video will be typical to the conventional dress of Hip Hop/Rapping artists, which are normally Hoodies, Baggy Jeans/T-shirts, Tracksuits, Snapbacks and Jewellery and this is similar for the female side but only with dresses, skirts and High heels. This is because it will suit the genre of the music and will be relevant to the actual artist that does the song.

· SFX (Special Effects)- We will be using a few special effects in order to complete our video, this will include slow-motion: a slow motion shot of glass smashing to dramatize our video, Fades: Where we will attempt to fade Kane’s reflection out of a mirror he is looking in to relate to the lyrics Layover: We will use layovers to show the same person twice in the same scene, we will use these effects in partnership with high/low key lighting and filters to create different moods within the video.

· Key Location- The Location that we will used will include a wide range such as from our bedrooms, parks, café’s, basketball courts and a few others, this is because we will need to shoot a lot of scenes to show the relation between the boy and girl in our video played by Kane and Steph. We will most likely use settings such as the bedroom, café, and park to shoot the footage showing the relationship between the couple falling apart, this is because it makes sense for couples to have arguments inside their homes and on “neutral” ground such as café’s or park benches.

Recording Days-

Filming- We intend to spend a maximum of 1½ days shooting at each location which would include a house, park and café which would mean we could spend a (hopeful) maximum of 4½ days shooting our footage. As a group we intend to make the most of allocated lesson time to film our music video but will also dedicate time outside of lessons to film as just using lesson time is a unrealistic goal to finish our video this allotted time however does not include how long we are likely to take if variables we cannot control such as bad traffic, weather and technical faults prevent us from shooting our footage. To try to prevent wasting time through these variables we have done previous planning such as weather checks and using software that can pick out traffic jams we can try to avoid.

Post Production- The post production side of our film may take up a lot of our time as we plan to use SFX that we have not used before and we will need time to perfect the different techniques used in order to create them. Due to this fact we will probably spend about a week on finishing the editing, it is impractical to give ourselves a time range in order to finish it because we do not know how long it will take to grasp the different aspects of the SFX’s whilst putting the actual video together should be fairly straightforward. As I’ Matthew CM will be designing the CD cover and Poster, once we come up with a design idea for them I should be able to create a few sample covers and posters for the group to choose from to decide which one I should finalize within a couple of days as I am used to working with Photoshop/Illustrator which we will be using to create them.

Completed By Matthew Caine-Mckenzie and Kane Allen

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