Sunday 30 October 2011

Mind Map

This mind map diccusses the origin of hip hop, some morder day hip hop artist, Hip hop stereotypes and about Dappy (the Maker of No Regrets).

Friday 21 October 2011

Story board/ Shot List

Storyboard for “No Regrets” From 2:50 – 3:15

This is a partial Plan of how we are going to make our video, we may use all of it, or we may even use very little of it but this was done so as a group we had some ide as to where we wanted to go with our music video.

1. A mixture of Mid & Establishing shot of Kane in a field on a bright day using whip pans whilst Kane is singing the song whilst doing the Hip Hop Styled bouncing (Described in the product treatment) on a bright day in a park using naturalistic light.

2. Then it will cut to a Close Up Shot of Kane in a Mirror where he will be lip syncing the lyrics, in low key lighting, to create a deep and mysterious effect. Cutting back and forth to close and mid shots.

3. A Mid Shot will be used showing Kane in the mirror, this will be used in parternership with Special Effects, which will be used to remove the reflection from the Mirror. To show that he is upset will also use extreme close ups.

4. It will then skip to a Long Shot of Matthew bouncing a basketball, followed by a tracking Mid Shot of him shooting the ball. Shown in slow motion to dramatize the scene.

5. Then a Tracking Close Up Shot Of the basket ball making a "swish" into the net, or, we will used the same shot type to simulate a slam dunk effect, this can be done through cutting.

6. A Mid Shot of Kane in his bedroom looking at a picture of him and his Ex-Girlfriend, which will be shown as a key prop via Close Up Shot, then a mid shot will be used to show Kane slapping it of the shelf.

7. A Mid shot of the picture falling which will be used to symbolises and end to the regrets in the relationship which will be finalized with the smashing of the frame in slow motion.

Album Cover Analysis

Album Cover Analysis

In this album cover and poster they have either used the same person with a different look or taken two different people and merged them together to create one face, this basically has the message that they two people in one body, and as a group we decided to come up with two ideas, one of these ideas included making Kane (who plays Dappy), look into a mirror which reflects two different images in order to suggest he is in two minds about the situation in his relationship. We thought this idea would be good to use for the Poster instead of the album cover as the poster would just represent the actual song “No Regrets”, and the chorus repeats, “coz when I look in the mirror, I don’t even recognize myself”, this make its relate to the song which would portray the same message as the images shown below.

In the “FACE OFF” cover you can also notice that the background shows a low key lighting of clouds, this shows that there is definitely a dark side to there personalities which leaves the album looking mysterious, this theme is continued on the back cover to the CD but only instead of the faces it shows the city they are from at night time with all the buildings lights on in New York to symbolize “The city that never sleeps”.

The Beyonce Album poster will most likley resemble our album poster more, due to the fact that it is actually the same person shown in two different styles where one picture looks innocent and the other looks slightly roguish and evil, we will create this by either using a Halo and Horns, or Black and white clothes to create a juxtaposition between the good and bad we are trying to represent.

On the other hand, the album cover would represent more than one song because it would be for the whole album, which would contain multiple songs therefore, the album cover would have to relate to more than one song. We thought that we show a picture of Kane on a park bench on a bright summers day with two images of him superimposed over the top, showing him in both a good and bad light, this would be good to relate to songs of all genres on the album. I have given examples of an album cover and album poster that have shown ideas similar to the ones we have come up with.

On The Jamie Scott album cover and exaggerated naturalistic light is used in order to create and saintly glow to the image, the back of the album cover uses a slight low key filter which may represent the fact that there is a gloomy side to the album. In our album cover we will use naturalistic light created by the sun in order to create a similar effect to the front cover, this will be very similar to the lighting displayed on the Jessica York album cover. This will be used to show that the main person Dappy (played by Kane) will be happy that he has no regrets in the things that he does, hopefully the sun will re-create the same effect that a high key filter would simulate.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Initial Planning Meeting

Production Diary for October

17th Oct

Today we went to the local park around the corner from are college, we tested some basic ideas and tried some establishing shots. This today was very helpful because some of the problems that we didn’t expect or think about came up e.g. the weather. The footage we got today will most likely not be used, as it is just test footage; if used it will only for planning purposes.

We learnt:

· Beware of weather difficulties

· Camera filters and light setting

· Various poster ideas

· And first time look at lip syncing

20th – 28th Oct

N/A (Mary Ward Day and Half Term)

31st Oct

Today we travelled to our first location (Kane’s house). We started our primary filming, which included the chorus and some small narrative. We also did small series of special effects.

We learnt:

Importance of special effects

Keeping continuality

To always plan

And working around public plan

Monday 17 October 2011

Research into costumes for your music video, including photographs and analysis of why they are appropriate for your video.

We have decided that for our music video we are going to keep the costumes relatively similar to what people wear in hip hop music videos nowadays.

We will all be switching clothes to give the idea it is filmed over a period of time, and that it is not just set on one day.

Kane’s outfit

Kane will be wearing clothes very similar to the clothes Dappy has worn over the years. Dappy wears a lot of clothes, which reflect both his style of music and his personality. He has a high tendency to wear hats and lots of jewelry, including chains, watches and rings. He also usually wears black, and only on the odd occasion will wear very bold colours. We have taken this into consideration when organizing Kane’s outfit, and have decided that he will be wearing lots of different hats, hoodies, and a lot of jewelry.